Cirque - Editorial of the month
Cirque is a fashion editorial inspired by the mystical and grotesque history of the circus, presenting six symbolic characters—the Fortune Teller, the Acrobat, the Bird Man, the Jester, the Identical Twins, and the Clown—reimagined for a modern audience. Each character embodies timeless archetypes and metaphors for the human condition, such as fate, ambition, duality, and the line between joy and sor-row. Through set design, makeup, and styling, Cirque creates a surreal, dreamlike world beyond time, where fashion becomes a medium for telling timeless human stories.»
Photography and Art Direction by Bertine Monsen / @bertine.monsen
Lighting by Cameron Daravi / @camerondaravi
Styling by Jenni Friis / @jennifriisb
Set design by Rebecca Fugelli / @rebeccafugelli
Hair by Sophia Lundberg / @s0phialundberg
Make-up by Enora Olsen assisted by Andrine Pettersen /@enora.olsen @andrinepetterseen
Assistant, Rebecca Johnsgaard / @rebeccajohnsgaard
Starring Danjel Jelinski, Karl Henrik Solbakken, Elise Kildal, Sofia Quan / @danijjelinski @karlhenriksolbakken @elisekildal @sofiamqh
Fashion by @tarinii.official @friedrichfloen @miraleff @natascha_domino @granhaugen @viviennewestwood @lottelovice @annesilkjaer @sovietnam